Rovers Rangers

Rover’s Rangers is a service we provide for our dedicated clients who wish to interact more deeply with their dogs care.

Pick Your Route

We offer route tracking where you are able to see where you dog has been on it’s walking reservation. You will also be able to make suggestions on were your dog walks and choose routes for us to take from your route library.

Personal Private Webpage

Rovers Rangers adds your dogs own personal

webpage on our site!  With this option our staff

will photograph your dog during its walk and

post them to your page. Your Rovers Rangers

page displays all the important information

about its walk, including distance traveled,

time spent moving, total walk time and

elevation gain. As your walk route, photo and

video libraries grow you will be able to select

your dogs walk route as well as download photos

and video.

Your Dog!……A ROCK STAR!

Rover Rangers club membership also gives you a great discounted rate on our professional videography.

Check out the video we produced for one of our clients.


Each member of Rover Ranges receives a personalized club dog tag!


                                                                                                                                 Payment Options