Our Return Policy

Any fees and/or payments paid to Here RoverĀ are non-refundable except for in the following circumstances: if we wrongly charged your credit card or if a dog walker or pet sitter does not perform a scheduled dog walk for reasons that are directly attributable to Here RoverĀ or the dog walker. If you believe that you have been wrongfully charged an amount by us for any reason you may notify us and request a refund. You may do by sending us an email to customerservice@hererover.com. If we find that an amount has been wrongfully charged we will refund you that amount. Please be aware that we will not consider any refund request unless you include full details of the disputed transaction, including the relevant dates, payment details, and a short explanation as to why the amount is disputed. If you are entitled to a refund but instead prefer that we credit you for a future dog walk please let us know and we will do the best to accommodate your request.